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Lee Stringer

VFX Supervisor & Director

Lee was working recently in Finland on the feature “Iron Sky”, in addition to being the VFX Supervisor on the film “Renee” and working on the pilot “Exit Stratergy” Previously serving as the CG Supervisor at Lucasfilm Animation in Singapore, Overseeing the 3D production of Star Wars The Clone Wars working with over 100 artists. Lee has been an instructor at the Digital Animation and Visual Effects School in Orlando, FL. Worked with Gerry Anderson on his “New Captain Scarlet” Series. Previously he was a CG Supervisor at Zoic Studios working on the Sci-Fi Channel’s Mini Series and first season of “Battlestar Galactica.” The mini-series was nominated for an Emmy award, and won a Visual Effects Society award in 2004. The first season episode “33” was also nominated for a 2005 Emmy. His other projects for Zoic have included work as a Visual Effects Artist on “Firefly,” which won the 2003 Emmy for special visual effects, the pilot for a new ‘Lost in Space’ series, Steven Bochco’s pilot for NYPD 2069, and the “Sketchernauts” commercial for Sketchers shoes.

Lee has a broad visual effects background and his experience includes work on feature films, music videos, commercials, theme park attractions, fully animated episodic television, and video games. While at Foundation Imaging, he worked on the Robert Wise Director’s Edition of Star Trek: The Motion Picture and spent several seasons on “Star Trek: Voyager.” Additionally, he worked on “Roughnecks: The Starship Trooper Chronicles” and “Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future” Lee was nominated for an Emmy in 2002 for his work on the ABC made-for-television movie Superfire. He was also a teacher at the Foundation Institute.

Prior to his career in the world of visual effects, Lee worked in IT operations and support for JP Morgan Bank in London. He created his own company, Digital EFX, where he specialized in visual effects and web site design, and he sold television and film-related merchandise. Lee is also a model maker and has created miniatures for film and television productions, including Cartoon Network’s “Space Ghost Coast to Coast.”

Lee’s interest in filmmaking, miniatures and effects began at an early age watching the Gerry Anderson series Thunderbirds and Space 1999 while growing up in Great Britain.

  • Talk - VFX Produktion A-Z

  • Talk - Visual Effects in internationalen TVProduktionen

    Lee Stringer CG supervisor on TV-productions from “Star Trek to Battlestar Galactica with a detour to Firefly” and beyond. He will talk about the production processes in visual effects for a TV-Series.
    (dieser Vortrag wird in Englisch gehalten)

Alvaro Gaivoto


Born – Portugal
School – Canada (Sheridan College) 3 year classical animation course
Work – Los Angeles – Disney – Hanna Barbera – DePatieFreleng (freelance)
Korea / Taiwan – Supervising Director for Hanna Barbera and DePatieFreleng
London – Hibbert Palph / Richard Williams (commercials)/ Disney-Spielberg (Roger Rabbit)
London and LA – Warner Bros feature
Munich – Feature director
Austria – RedBull “Spielberg” and various ads

  • Talk - 2D Animation im naechsten Jahrtausend

    Der Character Animations Veteran hat die letzten 35 Jahre der 2D Character Animations Industrie mitbegleitet und wird einen Einblick in die Staerken und Schwaechen von “hand drawn animation”, deren Anwendung in den heutigen Produktionen und die Anwendung von 3D in 2D animierten Filmen zeigen.

Florian Satzinger

The Austrian animation designer Florian Satzinger was a student of the legendary Disney, MGM and Hanna-Barbera animator and animation director Ken Southworth. Recently, he was awarded the prestigious Nemoland award 2009 for his contribution in character design (former Nemoland winners include animation stars such as Don Bluth and Gary Goldman). At the present, he is working on the first”StarDucks” graphic novel and the “Toby Skybuckle” books series and a range of art books for the French publisher Soleil in parallel with doing visual development work for different British, US and Canadian film and book production companies. Besides his industrial work, he teaches character design, analog animation and animation history at the University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg.

  • Talk - On Critters, Ducks And Dragons

    Florian Satzinger und Maryam Laura Moazedi sprechen über den Prozessverlauf im Entwickeln neuer Figuren und Welten (concept art/colour concepts, character design usf.) am Beispiel aktueller Projekte wie “StarDucks”, “Toby Skybuckle”, “The Recalibrated Fantastic Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” etc.

Maryam Laura Moazedi

Since 1995 project supervisor at Satzinger & Hardenberg, University lecturer for management and communication at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz und lecturer for media analysis and animation history at the University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg.

Haggi Krey

Lead Technical Director bei Ambient Entertainment
Credits: Back to Gaya, Urmel aus dem Eis, Urmel voll in Fahrt . . .

  • Talk - Deutsche Animationsfilm-Produktion

    Er war bei der Geburtsstunde des deutschen 3D Animationsfilm (Back to Gaya) als TD (Technischer Direktor) anwesend und wird uns einen tiefen Blick in die deutsche Maschinerie der computerisierten Bewegtbildproduktion gewaehren. Er wird speziell auf die Produktions – Pipeline und andere technische Aspekte von Produktionen wie Back to Gaya, Urmel aus dem Eis und Urmel voll in Fahrt eingehen.

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Johannes Mücke


Johannes studied Architecture in Aachen, Los Angeles and Vienna, where he received his Master of Architecture in January 2005. After working for FOA in London for a year, Johannes joined Rockstar Vienna as lead concept artist until it was shut down in 2006. After working for Sproing as Head of Art for over four years, Johannes co-founded with his partner Oliver Bertram in 2010 WIDESHOT, an Architecture and Entertainment Design company based in Vienna.

Besides its large Architecture portfolio WIDESHOT focusses on video game art direction and design as well as production design for film. Since WIDESHOT started to work with Roland Emmerich on the movie ‘2012’ in 2008, there have been many colaborations with US American film makers, production houses and studios, with ‘Independence Day: Resurgence’ being the latest large scale project. WIDESHOT worked on this film for over 1,5 years partly on-site and in parts remotely, designing all the spaceships, the Alien queen, a large number of sets, the cities, storyboards, motion graphics, the title sequence and many more. WIDESHOT is currently working with Roland Emmerich and Universal Pictures on the pre-design for ‘Moonfall’, Roland’s new blockbuster, that is scheduled to be filmed in early 2017.

  • Talk - Aktzeichnen fuer CGI Artists

Reinhard Schmid


Head of Animation bei Rabcat Vienna, ehemals Lead Animator bei RockstarVienna, DigitalArts Animation Outsourcing, Suicidal-Entertainment

  • Talk - Softimage XSI – ICE

Christoph Schädl


Character Artist Rabcat Vienna, Mudbox fanboy. Arbeitet in seiner Freizeit am liebsten an Creatures und testet damit neue Workflows und Tools aus.

  • Talk - Creature Workflow

    3D Concept Design anhand eines einfachen Basemeshes und den neuen Mudbox Features. Texturing mit Multi Tile UVs.

Reinhold A. Fragner

Industrial Motion Art Art Director und CEO

Art Director und CEO – Industrial Motion Art
Special Interests: Compositing, Post, Modelling