The austrian indiegamedev community is on fire! New studios pop up on every corner, meetups and usergroups have been established and there is almost no day without a gamedev related event. If this isn’t proof enough, take a look at the amazing indie titles from the last couple of years and there will be no doubt left about how much creative talent Austria has to offer. But still, there are developers out there, looking for the right people to connect to. is here to guide young talents into the scene and answer their first questions – How do you pitch your game to media outlets, platform holders or opinion leaders? How do you connect with other gamedevs? How do you get important insights and learn to successfully launch your game? is a one stop shop for gamedev insights. is a non profit network of, by and for the austrian gamedev community to strenghten it’s ecosystem, increase its visibility and connect creative talent.
Alexander Amon (sproing) and Stefan Malzner (Bloodirony Games) will present the initiative, the network and what’s about to happen in the near future. And since it’s all about supporting the local scene – Alexander Grenus (stillalive studios), Mateusz Gorecki (Rarebyte) and Stefan Srb (leafthief) are invited to talk about their upcoming games.
The Majesty of Pixel Art and the Beauty of Minimalism (for Gamedevs)
Stefan Srb – Leafthief
This talk will focus on the opportunities and challenges of using pixel art for indie game development and how it can help creators find their voice. Using the observations about realism and abstractions Scott McCloud highlighted in his book “Understanding Comics” the talk will show how low -resolution art can be beneficial for starting out. A short and lightweight talk full of examples, best practices and war stories.
Who is stillalive?
Alexander Grenus – stillalive studios
Alexander Grenus from stillalive studios will give a short presentation of their studio, their first game Son of Nor and their upcoming game Drone Swarm.
Rarebyte or How To Survive Struggles
Mateusz Gorecki – Rarebyte
Mateusz Gorecki, co-founder of Rarebyte, will talk not only about projects the company made in the past, but also about obstacles, struggles and common mistakes they experienced during the years and how to avoid them.